all files that you can find and download from atipoillustrations.com belong to the owner of the site and the atipo® brand. by downloading, purchasing and/or installing the design assets created by atipo® illustrations you agree to the following user license terms:
all files downloaded from atipoillustrations.com are royalty-free and one time fee. you may be used them in any number of personal and commercial projects for yourself or a client. you may modify the resources according to your requirements and can be used digitally as well as in a printed format except in the cases mentioned in the “not allowed”. no attribution or link back to this site is required.
not allowed
the files downloaded from atipoillustrations.com cannot be reselled, sublicensed or redistributed (even for free). the files cannot be included on merchandising items (posters, prints, mugs, caps, or t-shirts) if you are using them as the primary design element. this applies to modified and unmodified files. you cannot assign the authorship as your own. you only get the license that allows you to use the asset only in specified in this license agreement terms. you cannot compile the assets to replicate a similar or competing service.
unlimited license
once you create an account and purchase the unlimited pack:
– You will have access for one (1) year from the date of purchase to download all currently available illustrations and packs on the website, as well as any new packs released during this year. After this year, access will be revoked and no further downloads will be possible.
– Any downloads made by users can be kept indefinitely and used without restrictions.
– We do not automatically renew your access. If you are interested in renewing for another year of access, you can do so at any time.
if you have any questions about the license, feel free to contact us.